Modern Methods in Treatment of Hemorrhoid Disease
21. 06. 2012
Medical seminary titled "Hemorrhoid disease- modern diagnostic and therapeutic approach" within the framework of continuing medical education took place at Military Medical Academy on June 19, 2012.
Specialists in general surgery, Dr. Boško Milev and Prim. Dr. Milan Petrović from the MMA’s Clinic for General Surgery delivered the lectures representing the basic characteristics of this modern disease as well as the most successful treatment procedures carried out at Military Medical Academy.
The conclusions of conducted studies are showing the leading positions comparing with the world investigations of MMA conservative treatment i.e. sclerotherapy, and in case of indications it is possible to place the ligatures. The surgical procedures performed at MMA are various types of hemorrhoidectomy including classic hemorrhoidectomy as the most suitable method due to its longest results and lowest percent of recidivations when done in an adequate and expert way.